ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Plantation drive held at Hiyanglam

 Source: The Sangai Express

Imphal, July 12 2021: As a part of Green Hiyanglam Campaign and 72nd Van Mahotsav celebration, around 500 saplings were planted at Laphupat Tera Ningomkhong today.

Speaking on the occasion, social worker and campaigner of Green Hiyanglam Campaign, Maibam Surchandra said that the campaign which was started in 2019 was put on hold for some time due to COVID-19 pandemic however the same has been started adhering to Covid SOPs laid by the Government.

He continued that sites will be identified where saplings can be planted in other areas of Hiyanglam AC in order to make the constituency's healthier and greener.

Range Officer of Kakching Naorem Munal Meetei, OC of Arong Nongmaikhong, Th Damu Singh and local clubs members along with the locals of the area also participated in the plantation drive.

N Munal Meetei appealed to all make concerted efforts to preserve the environment and plant saplings wherever possible.

Further he also appealed to all to strictly follow the Covid SOPs and guidelines issued by the State to combat the COVID-19 pandemic effectively.