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| Last Updated:31/01/2025

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Nambul Run 2021 held to save Nambul river

Source: Chronicle News Service / DIPR


Imphal, November 04 2021: Nambul Run 2021 was held on Thursday mprning with an aim to save and conserve the Nambul river.

The run organised by Water Resources department, started from Hump Bridge (Thong Nambonbi) and culminated at Keishamthong bridge.

Water Resources minister Letpao Haokip flagged off the rally, whichivas participated by hundreds of people including chief engineer of WRD Albert N Songput and other top officials and engineers of the department.

Speaking on the occasion, Letpao Haokip sought the co-operation of the general public in saving the Nambul river before it is too late, and requested for help in restoring the river to its original pristine form.

The event was held as a part of 'the Ganga Utsav- a river festival 2021', which is organised across the country to celebrate 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav'.

The main aim of the festival is to establish a sound people-river connect and to build a strong bond with the general public.

Several placards inscribed with slogans such as 'Let's save Nambul until it is too late', 'Stop pollution, save Nambul', 'Conserve Nambul, it will conserve you', 'Nambul is dying, clean it', 'River Nambul is our life, take care of it', 'Save Nambul and save yourself were used by the participants.