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| Last Updated:31/01/2025

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Plantation programme held at herbal garden of CSIR-NEIST

Source: The Sangai Express

Imphal, October 30 2021: Saplings of medicinal, aromatic and economically important plants were planted at the Herbal Garden of the CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology, Branch Laboratory, Lamphelpat today.

Dr AA Mao, Director, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, Dr Huidrom Birkumar Singh, Senior Principal Scientist, Dr Lokho Puni, IFS, Member, Manipur Public Service Commission and other officials were present on the occasion, said a press release issued by the Senior Principal Scientist.

It may be noted that more than 60 species of medicinal, aromatic and traditionally or religiously associated plant species are already planted in the Herbal Garden of the institute and students and teachers from various schools and colleges of the State are regularly visiting the garden.