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| Last Updated:14/02/2025

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Horticultural inputs distributed to Senapati farmers

Source: Chronicle News Service / DI0

Senapati, September 30 2021: Senapati district's deputy commissioner Mahesh Chaudhari on Thursday distributed different Horticultural inputs to the selected beneficiaries of the district under different scheme at DC Office Complex.

Speaking on the occasion, the DC appreciated the Department of Horticulture & Soil Conservation district officer for providing the inputs and also appealed to the beneficiaries to avail maximum benefits of the various schemes.

Mahesh Chaudhari stated that the programme was actually planned for participation by the Chief Minister and other ministers but could not materialise due to unavoidable circumstances.

He, however, informed that efforts would be made to conduct such programmes in a grand scale in the future and urged the beneficiary farmers to strive for enhancing own income by taking advantage of the different schemes as well as to fulfill the dream of the Prune Minister.

The DC also announced that apple plantation has already started at Song Song village for the first time in the district.

If the plantation is suitable, then similar projects would be implemented in other villages of the district in future, he said and commended the horticulture department for taking keen interest in assisting the district's farmers.

In all 52 beneficiaries received various Horticultural inputs under different schemes of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKSY).

They included shade-net films, bee boxes & extractor, knapsack sprayer, vegetables seeds & pesticide, sprinklers set with pump & tools kits and vermin-compost.

As per the criteria of the schemes, if any farmers is interested to avail the benefits, he/she has to register to the hornet portal ( besides meeting the criteria that the beneficiary should be farmer by occupation and possess aadhaar card, bank account, land ownership certificate issued by village authority with the countersigned of the concerned SDO/SDC.

The distribution programme was held in the presence of District Officer, Horticulture and Soil Conservation, Senapati Kh Upendra Singh, who is also the Ex-Ofncio Project Officer, and other staff of the department.

In his address, Upendra stated that the 52 items distributed to beneficiaries are for enhancing production and productivity of different horticultural crops for the 2020-21 work programme.