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| Last Updated:14/02/2025

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KVK Chandel conducts visit to soybean field

 Source: Chronicle News Service

Kakching, September 16 2021: Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Chandel, ICAR Regional Centre for NEH Region Manipur Centre conducted a field day programme on soybean variety DSB-19 under Cluster Front Line Demonstration on Oilseeds 2021-2022 at Lambung village, Chandel district on Thursday.

The programme held at Lambung village community hall under the sponsorship of National Food Security Mission was attended by district agriculture officer Chandel Ts Gladney Monsang as chief guest, KVK Chandel head in-charge Dr Ashem Ameeta Devi as functional president and Lambung village chief Dy Alam as guest of honour.

Speaking on the occasion, KVK Chandel SMS-Agronomy Dr Khumlo Levis explained that DSB-19 is a soybean variety produced by UAS Dharwad which is very suitable to the soil of Chandel and resistant to pest attack while informing that if properly grown it can yield 2-2.5 tonnes from one hectare of land within 105-115 days.

KVK Chandel under the National Food Security Mission has helped self-help groups (SHGs) of Chandel in planting the DSB-19 variety in 10 hectares of land.

The main aim is to increase oilseeds production and provide an alternative to farmers who are growing illegal crops, Dr Levis informed.

As part of the programme, selective SHGs were provided seeds of winter crops.

Later, a held inspection was done at farmlands growing DSB-19 variety.

The programme was also attended by KVK Chandel officials and staff members.