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| Last Updated:31/01/2025

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SEED celebrates 'Earth Day'

 Source: The Sangai Express

Imphal, April 26 2021: Earth Day was celebrated by SEED (Society for Environmental Education and Development), Manipur and Manipur Shakti on April 22 .

Prof Amar P Garg, Vice Chancellor Shobhit University, Meerut was the chief guest on the occasion who delivered on this year's theme "RESTORE THE EARTH" floccing on natural processes, emerging green technologies and innovative thinking.

On the occasion a newsletter Climate Change and Citizen's action published by SEED was released by the chief guest on the virtual platform.

Prof MG Tiwari, Ex-President Environmental Science Section, Indian Science Congress Association and Prof L Nabachandra, Head of Department, Agronomy Department, Central Agricultural University, Iroisemba also attended the event as presidium members.

Prof L Nabachandra deliberated on Climate and environmental literacy and Climate restoration technologies respectively.

Prof Asha Gupta, Convenor SEED, Manipur and In-charge Manipur Shakti emphasised on the Citizen's responsibility for passing on a reasonably livable environment to the posterity and research directions in restoration of mother earth which is the only living planet.

Dr Rajkumari Sunita (Society for Environmental Education and Development), emphasized on the significance of launching the newsletter Climate Change and Citizen's action on Earth Day by SEED Manipur.

Dr Beeteswari Khagembam compared the programme while Santosh Nahakpam,the production manager organized the whole virtual event.

The event was also attended by academicians and administrators and students along with Team Shakti and SEED.